Thursday, 8 March 2012

Raila's Sister and the Kenya Railways Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme

Welcome to the Kenya Railway's Pensioners blog. Every thought is valued and each expression respected.

There comes a time when People act in a mob like manner and take decisions by means of what they feel rather than on the basis of Facts. This situation visited the Kenya Railways Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme in 2008  and again it happened in October 2011to the great disadvantage of all stake holders. It begun with the Sponsor's appointment of new Trustees just at a time when the founder Members of the Board of Trustees had developed a strategic plan and were at a point of implimenting the policy. A new set of Trustees were then appointed including the imediate former Chair person Ms Beryl L. Odinga.

Unfortunately, her family name got in the way of every action and perception of her administration to the extent that very few people could see anything else other than that she was the Prime Minister's sister. In few occations this opened doors that would generally not open to a struggling pension Scheme. But most of all it attracted all those who wanted to take a pot shot at the Prime Minister but did not have the courage or basis for the attack. Thus when she eventually left the service of the Scheme in a huff with alot of attack on her admininstration by Stake holders in the industry as well as the press I wonder whether any one has spent time to ask themselves the question. "If any rational being was given the same circumstances that operated at the Scheme what would they do?" Personal flaws aside what really went wrong? what alternative means need to be taken?

Here are some of the circumstances:-

  1. The Scheme was established in 2006 by an insolvent Sponsor (Kenya Railways Corporation) whose only asset to transfer was property valued at Kshs 12.4 Billion no money was transferred with those assets. No follow up funds would be recieved except relactant payment of rent.
  2. The sponsor was at the same time terminating the services of all its staff whom at the time of the Concession were 8500 permanent and 7500 casual employes. Of this group 3600 were being absorbed by Rift Valley Railways and KRC would retain less than 200 on new contracts of employment. Along with this group was another 7500 pensioners who were already a nut shell a large number of angry and agrieved group awaiting to be settled.
  3. The properties transferred had 14 out of 23 titles availiable yet they needed to be trasferred from East African Railways the preceding organisation to Kenya Railways. Other titles were yet to be surveyed  or were charged with Banks prior to transfer. The property was also encumberred by occupants some with legal disputes with the Kenya Railways on their former terms of employment. Others still developing a squarter tendancy assisted by local ward leadership who consider them their consituents.
  4. On month one the Scheme was required to pay Kshs28 million in pensions. this amount has risen to Kshs 55 million as at December 2011. there was an arrears of pensions increase dating back to 1997 which was due at an increase of 3% per annum.
  5. The properties had liabilities owed to the City in form of Rates and Land rent owed to Mininstry of Lands amounting to over 200 million.
Among other minor challenges, it is amazing that the Scheme even took off. The only item that sustained it has been good will from the various stake holders as the Trustees grapled with the payment of pensions as they rationalised the assets to a more economically viable state. As at December 2011,
  1.  the scheme has paid over Kshs 2 billion in pensions  
  2. Transferred all the assets to the Scheme except 2 titles
  3. The assets is now worth over Kshs25 billion
  4. Established Systems that manage the fund and respond to challenges on its governance and other threats
  5. Is a stable going concern if the liquidity position is improved.
Against these actions is the the report of examination by the Regulator which highlight the human element where self preservation took centre stage. The next course of action would be to implement the recommendations. I hope that whoever does this should learn from the past situation and ask the Question is a Pension Scheme a Public Entity or Not because thats where alot of the current concerns are emanating. What latitude do Trustees have and of course what is the security of tenure for the Service providers that provide advise?

So I leave it for you to Judge but remember that the main concern is about the Pensioners many of whom are old and depend on the Kshs 2000 to purchase medicine. they cannot afford to wait for experiments.


  1. This is a crucial read that must become viral...Kenyans have a tendency of "throwing the bath water with the baby"....How long will this pensioners who desperately need this money wait ??? When will a good job be acknowledged as that as opposed to attacking those behind these growth curves?

    1. Thanks for the view, i believe the key step is the first step. One person said that news is the unusual act. Men biting dogs gets the hit but a pack of dogs on a person seems normal and would not be news worthy.

      It is really important that the KRSRBS Scheme re structures the assets by disposal and the public offers its support on profitable sell of these assets to benefit the pensioners.

  2. Hi, It is over a year and the KRSRBS has settled to new leadership. It is good to note that the bitten path seemed to be the easiest means to move. However, there is limited movement to the positive gains due to wrangling. Hope the stakeholders would focus on the Three Strategic means to solving this scheme's long term challenges, namely, Selling of the quick convertible assets, renovation of those that need the care and redevelopment on the long term keepers.

    Stakeholders, please focus on the Pensioners and pitch in your support rather than leaving the elderly to suffer after long service to the public.

  3. Hi Everyone, it is another year, Pensions have surprisingly been on time except on a few occasions, there is still a need for the Administrators to refine their communication means to all stakeholders giving a longer time view than three months. If one creates a good horizon they tend to walk with others better. Though it is obvious that the Job is not easy but please take time to discuss some of the stakeholders may have insight to avoiding the pits developed over time. Finally, please avoid unnecessary suspicion, not everyone spends time thinking on digging pits for others. Lets serve the Pensioners better.

  4. Hey mfalme mwema, good to know you have been following the conversation, well, the scheme is still moving paying pensioners with the challenges it has. the real estates sector is not easy especially disposal of prime property where the real buyers are a handful and brokers are a dime a dozen. The solutions still lie with involvement of the stake holders working together, the fourth quarter is going to be interesting as the organization restores the members faith.

  5. It is 2019 and all i can hear is the Agape song outside the Offices near the Haile Sellasie Moi Avenue round about. Waiting for mimi Yesu then Lulu. To our friends and brethren workingto be Trustees God's speed. Please Return to GoK some of the assets such as Muthurwa ,Goods Shed and Hq for Lunch Money tuache KukulaAir burger hio mali yetu haitu saidii
